Call for papers

  1. Special Issue IV: „Transfer als Hochschulaufgabe“. Please consult the Guidelines for authors.
  2. Issue Nr.16: „Hochschulpolitik im deutschsprachigen Raum“. Please consult the Guidelines for authors.

Guidelines for authors

Please consider the following guidelines when writing your paper:

  • Submission: Complete manuscripts should be sent electronically to or directly to one of the editors (e-mail addresses below) before the respective deadline.
  • Length: 2 pages (around 1000 words)
  • Target audience: Political and social scientists and students, conflict scholars and practitioners, policy makers, interested general public.
  • Title: Brief and concise
  • Your article: An original, unpublished manuscript which is not under consideration for publication in any other journal.
  • Language: English or German
  • Writing Style: Concise, relevant and understandable. Feel free to include personal experiences. Please limit footnotes.
  • Layout: Please use the Harvard reference system. Do include graphs and tables only if necessary and if you hold the copyrights.
  • Short bio: (3-4 lines) should be included

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of the editors. We look forward to your contribution!                               

Prof. Dr. Jakob Lempp, Dr. Angela Meyer, Dr. Jan Niklas Rolf